Curtisha Roberson Curtisha Roberson

Daughters of the King: A Return to Biblical Femininity & Modesty

Girl, today we are living during some crazy “Modern Times!” We may not be bowing down to Idols made of gold, silver, or wood. Yet, like the “Children of Israel”, we too have been influenced, by those who don’t REVERENCE our Lord! It has impacted our worldview, the way we adorn ourselves, and our everyday life. Today’s Femininity and “TOXIC” representation of a Woman, is not the way Yahweh created us to be. We are “Daughters of a KING!”

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Curtisha Roberson Curtisha Roberson

3 Ways Following Christ Has Changed My Life

It’s incredibly easy to Shout to the World “I’m a Christian!” All you gotta-do is spend some time around Church Folk! Ha!  You can learn all the “Christian Lingo” and how to act in today’s” Church Culture” without truly being a Christian. Throughout my youth, I thought I was a Christian.  I recited the INFAMOUS “Sinner’s Prayer” like a Champ! Yet, there was no evidence that Christ was Lord over my life. It was not until I was a young adult, I realize, I was a False Convert! OMG! 

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